Friday, July 4, 2008

Selfish and Selfless

Every person has their own desire and passion. What drives them to the top of their game and make them who they are makes us wonder why can't we be like them. It is a wish that even I myself would want to live the life of someone else. Then I thought, why should I since this life is my own and I drive my life the way I see fit I should be happy the way I am. Do I? Just a point to ponder.

I read a lot in the net esp the dirty politics and the ever brilliance of the Former Premier in his blog. But other than that as usual Sciencedirect is the main website and Google the search engine. What a drag. I came across an article when I was recharging for something, it is about being selfless and selfish. Both of this terms define all of us in what we do.

I read the article on this commenting on relationships. It said that when we are committed to a relationship we tend to be selfish towards the person we are with. The article said that this is the main cause of tension in any relationship. Not that being selfish is not acceptable in any relationship, balancing it up with selfless makes the continuum in balance. Being selfless in the other hand simply meant that putting personal interest second compared to others. By making our partner happy by our efforts,sacrifices etc comes first compared to our own satisfaction is a measure of being selfless. Though being all selfless and all selfish is not a good thing since there are pros and cons to both. Getting a balance of both really need a lot of give and take from the relationship. For instance, overly selfish causes tension and leads to fight and a bad situation in the end. While an all out selfless realtionship will make one side felt deceived by the relationship that tends to just make only one side happy without complementing the other. This is just the extracts of what I read.

I admit that getting the best in my own relationship is hard but I try my best to get this balance as well. I just hope where my relationship is going will take me where I want rather than the other way around. Selfless-selfish character also applies for other means in life. Since I am an environmental graduate, burning less fuel (less driving) actually shows that we r being selfless by reducing our own carbon footprint. It is always better to be selfless rather than selfish the way the world is moving right now. That is another story for another time.