Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I have been keeping things to myself lately...Not that I do not have people around me to help me out only that I feel that it is better for me not to worry other people of my problems except for their own. It is sad to see as time passes it feels that there is a lot of loneliness in my heart right now. I may well have a job that any environmental graduate would want but I just don't have the heart to push the pedal. I may have found the person that I would want to spend my entire life with but it seems the distance is taking its toll. Lastly my country may seem to be rich and prosperous but everyday I see the people around me have to work hard just to make ends meet. Huh...what a sad chapter this time around...I could only try,wish and pray that the spark of being a person that does not now when to quit and quick to learn will kick back in ASAP. I could only hope that when she returns that all off this issues will resolve and finally I pray that my country will again rise to its feet again so that the people living within it will deserve what every human would want in a lifetime...happiness and prosperity.


Anonymous said...

alololololo...sedeynye dia.... huuhuhu...

jgn sedey2....awk sedey, nnt awk marah sy, nnt sy marah awk balik... nnt kite gaduh, dua2 marah... hohoho....

awk boleh..awk hebat je...awk kuat semangat...sy tau...hihi...kalo awk x hebat, kalo awk x kuat semgt, awk x kan stay dgn sy..hohoho..

take care!!... miss u sangat byk!! .. hehehe