Thursday, March 13, 2008

A new beginning...

As the 12th General Elections passed, the results was a surprise to all. As Malaysians showed that they all are fed up with the play acting by their old former leaders by using the power given to them every 5 year term. A lot of people speculate of many aspects of how the former government lost power to 4 other states and did not gain 2/3 majority in parliament, the real aspect was the "rakyat" is now no longer be fooled with. Issues concerning them was not made relevant for too long that they have exhausted of waiting for change.
From the elections the message was clear that the "rakyat" now wants change and hope those that have gained power do not misuse what have been given to them. All what is ask of them is to fulfill the promises made and govern this country not of their own but of the people that made it work. Do not forget that the people below them was there to put them in the lavish offices there are in today. Walk the talk and make no mistake that Malaysia will react again if no improvement of what is hoped for ever comes.
As for myself, I am proud to be in this country now that I realize that in its 50 year of history this tide of change has finally shown up. Realistic and optimistic, good things will come for this country. But to get there all must work their way to what goal or dream they have. The fallen can always rise up again in this country shown by groups losing in their field (Proton, MAS etc) now coming back stronger than ever before. If we don't get carried away of what we have, we will always achieve better things and finally gain those of our wildest dreams.
Kudos to those who wish to change and make an effort to do so. Even if stumble in getting where we want to go, get up and learn from it so that we won't come back hitting the ground on our face again.

I care not what others think of what I do, but I care very much
about what I think of what I do. That is character!

Theodore Roosevelt

It has been 1 month plus that I had finished my first job as a trainee executive. It is very irritating to still not getting a new job for more than a month ever since getting the post as a full time BUM. I am very fortunate to get a job right after my studies and in my field. But since January, I had tried to get a new job. The search almost ended when the place that I dreamed of working called me that my name has been recommended. I did not understand what that meant at first. Not until I was told that in that situation I was actually 80% certain of the post. The 20% that is still missing is actually the approval from the top boss to give the green light not only to me but also some other few candidates. The news was given to me more than 2 weeks ago. Now it is March and I just can't sit down and wait no more.

I was actually planning to start my new job in March. But still here I am waiting for an offer letter for a post. This month I went to an interview like I did in February for a post as an environmental scientist. The interview went well but a question from the manager interviewing struck me in the head. He just asked me "From the CV and how you answer why are you still do not have a job?". I answer him as I could but in truth I actually got a job but due to my unquestioned loyalty to work in my dream company made me turned down a no 53 company in the FORTUNE 100 listed company. I did not know is this just myself confidence that I know what I will end up to be or just I am a dis fortunate to let all the opportunities coming my way just fly by in my consciousness.

Other than this chance, I did threw out a chance to be a lecturer. This happen when I was working for my old employer. My former lecturer actually called me to ask whether I was interested for a tutorship. There is 2 types as I knew that was given either full time which includes doing your masters for free while earning a government based salary and a part time. It was sad that I got the wrong message across for she was actually offering me the full time. Kinda sad to hear the truth when I was told of what she wanted to offer me 2 weeks later that was eventually too late since a new candidate has taken the chance. Still I believe that was just not I was planned by Him to be in right now.

It is March, on the 29th of February I went for an interview for a gov forest research institute. I was lucky for getting friends that gave me my CV for the post of research officer there. When I went there, I was like always doing alright in the interview. I was a bit sad to hear that the post is contractual basis since they only offer permanent posts for master's holders only. The research will be based on water quality for peat swamp forest. Water I like but needing to go to the wild made me a bit unease for it has been sometime I have not gone nature seeking. But I am prepared for any challenges though. Other than that, there is a climate change project to be taken care off when I am more stable later in the post. That was what they told me off the job scope. Then came the 1st working day off March, and to my surprise this facility actually gave me a job. But due to paper work I have to wait for the 2nd call or the offer letter to be sent to me. Still I am waiting right now.

Though I may call that I am no longer a full time BUM, I am still dissatisfied for not starting work right now. I can just say that I will work to which ever employer that wants me to come to work first since I have two posts waiting with one an 80% secured job and the other post is paper work pending position. My funds is getting pretty low right now indicating that I might even be fasting a lot to survive. But I am sure the cloudy days are going to end soon and as I did the impossible during my studies I know where I will headed and hopefully I can make it in time. I just want to get things prepared before SHE comes back and for now I can just hope and pray for the best.